Remark Test Grading – Engleză – Spaniolă – Franceză

Remark Test Grading – Engleză – Spaniolă – Franceză
Connect pentru Remark Test Grading este un conector Xerox către serviciul Cloud al firmei Gravic pentru notarea testelor. Acum profesorii pot petrece mai puţin timp verificând şi notând elevii şi pot valorifica timpul predând şi discutând cu elevii. Profesorii pot accesa serviciul Remark Test Grading direct de la imprimanta multifuncţională şi printa teste pentru clasă, scana foaia cu răspunsuri şi ulterior genera instant rezultatele. Automatizaţi fluxul cu o scanare simplă şi uşoară oferind acces rapid pentru imprimarea sau trimiterea prin e-mail a notelor studenţilor, cît şi generarea rapoartelor privind performanţa clasei.

An easier way to make the grade.

Connect to Gravic’s powerful Remark Test Grading Service from your MFP to print bubble tests for your class. Scan completed answer sheets for instant results and report summaries. Faster grading means faster feedback for your students.

With our test grading app, your Gravic® Remark subscription reaches its full potential.

With the Connect App for Remark Test Grading, you can offload test grading to your workplace assistant. You’ll get faster – nearly instant – results, fewer errors and the ability to simplify many of the workflows associated with your Gravic subscription.

Your workplace assistant is ready and waiting.

Streamline workflows and tame complex processes in any office setting with Xerox ConnectKey Technology-enabled devices and apps for your workplace assistant. Available for test grading in K-12 and Higher Ed in the US and Canada.

Limbi suportate: English, French, Spanish